Ian SilverbergAbout Our GuestIan Silverberg has more than 25 years of entrepreneurship and business management experience.Ian’s experience includes overseeing the acquisition, development, management, and successful sale of a Santa Barbara, California based health club; founding Affinity Medical Fitness, Inc., a medically integrated wellness/physical therapy clinic; and founding Silverberg Management, Inc. and Silverline Ventures, a small business consulting, coaching, investment, and management company that primarily focuses ...

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Ryan NiddelAbout Our GuestRyan Niddel is a CEO, Board Member, and Entrepreneur. He is also the leading authority on improving revenue of companies by improving EBITDA through increased operational efficiency, lean manufacturing principles, and more. He has helped with the acquisition or exit of more than 11 companies while seeing their collective revenue surpass more than $237M. He has successfully tripled the revenue of more ...

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